Supportive breastfeeding resources

What you need to know

While it is encouraged to breastfeed your baby for their first 12 months, this isn’t always an easy journey for mother and baby. It is important to know that support is available. During post-natal care visits, our midwifes and lactation consultants may suggest the following resources:

Tasmanian Government – Department of Health

Information sheets from the Tasmanian Government on a range of breastfeeding topics.

Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA)

The home of trusted breastfeeding support, education and advocacy. The ABA provide perinatal resources for every stage and a breastfeeding helpline.

Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ)

The peak body for lactation professionals, LCANZ provides support for both breastfeeding mothers and lactation consultants in Australia and New Zealand.

Global Health Media: Breastfeeding series

Global Health Media have created a range of useful breastfeeding videos in their Breastfeeding Series.

This information is general in nature and individualised medical advice should be sought from a general practitioner (GP) or appropriate medical practitioner.

Salveo Healthcare provides these blog resources to support new parents in Tasmania (North & Northwest) as part of St.LukesHealth Private Post-Natal Services.