Salveo Healthcare’s new CEO, Darren Mathewson, presents our shared vision
Salveo Healthcare is uniquely placed to make an impact. It is time to shift the conversation to one about health and wellbeing not sickness. More hospital beds are not the only solution. Homes and communities can be the best environments to deliver health services. Our vision of creating the healthiest island on the planet is bold but required if you want to shift people’s thinking. Now, we want to extend our reach. We can keep more Tasmanians out of hospital with the right care, at the right time, in our communities.
Through experience in disability and aged care, I have seen how the system can fail Tasmanians. Hospital admissions, readmissions and lengthy stays can have a negative impact. They disconnect people from their communities and their sense of place. Hospitals have a critical role, but it’s what we do outside hospital that matters. We need to grow primary care, community services, aged care and disability in communities. Investing in these spaces could even lead to closing hospital beds across the state. The key to reducing hospital admissions is a focus on prevention, community connection, choice and quality of life.
I have worked for not for profits in social justice, social care and health all my working life. As a passionate Tasmanian, I’m grateful to be part of a team that is seeking to do things differently. We want to make a positive impact and change Tasmania for the better. We need to show that what we do makes a real difference. To be leaders in the new community-based models of health care delivery we must strive to improve what we do every day.
Salveo Healthcare has a key role to play in building healthy and strong communities in 2025 and beyond. We will be focused on delivering quality services, promoting their value and having an impact in the health system and our communities. Many organisations, health services and Tasmanians share our aim to keep Tasmanians out of hospital and it’s only through a collective and sustained effort that we will become the healthiest island on the planet.
This information is general in nature and individualised medical advice should be sought from a general practitioner (GP) or appropriate medical practitioner.
Salveo Healthcare provides these blog resources to support our vision of making Tasmania the healthiest island on the planet.