How reducing falls risk is part of the Advanced Preventative Care program

The risk of falls and severity of falls related injuries increases as we age. For our Advanced Preventative Care (APC) program clients, reducing falls risk is key to keeping you out of hospital. There are many ways that your APC nurse can assist you to reduce your falls risk.

Falls assessment

Your nurse will complete a comprehensive falls risk assessment on admission to the APC program. We provide education resources for clients who are at an increased risk of falling.

Your goals, your choice

By partnering with our clients and their families, our nurse will identify each client’s goals of care. This will ensure each client has the right to exercise choice and maintain independence and quality of life.

Reduce your falls risk


Research suggests well-designed exercise programs may reduce falls risk rate by around 25%. Most falls occur due to a loss of balance while a person is upright or walking. Our nurses support their clients to consider exercise programs and exercise classes, tai chi and home balance training. These types of exercise aim to increase balance and strength to prevent a fall.

Foot care

Feeling confident on your feet may reduce falls risk. Our nurses partner with their clients to identify unsuitable footwear and feet problems. These can be a contributing factor to mobility impairment and falls risks. The nurse may offer suggestions for footwear and referrals to a podiatrist or GP.

Cognitive impairment

Cognitive impairment, delirium and dementia are major risk factors for falls. If a client is found to have a cognitive impairment their support person is invited to assist in setting goals. These goals will support them to reduce falls risk and related injuries.

Home safety

Increasing safety in the home can assist those clients at high risk of falls. Our nurses work together with their clients to develop acceptable adjustments to the home setting. Personal alarms that will detect a fall and contact emergency contacts when a fall has occurred may be useful.

Falls are a significant contributor to hospital admissions. Our APC nurses take a comprehensive approach to both assessment and preventative care. By reducing falls, you may stay happier and healthier in your own home.

This information is general in nature and individualised medical advice should be sought from a general practitioner (GP) or appropriate medical practitioner.

Salveo Healthcare provides these blog resources to support our vision of making Tasmania the healthiest island on the planet.